The Last of Us - Visual Story Telling & World Building

Visual Storytelling and World building
There was an enormous amount of graphic designs created for The Last of Us games and even the HBO Show. Here I pulled together of pieces I personally made or art directed with the help of wonderful creative vendors.
Graphic design is a VITAL element in creating visual story telling and without it games feel empty and lifeless.

LOGOS - Branding the world
Here is a small sampling of collection of some of the logos that I created to help fill out that game.

Adding Personality
In The Last of Us Part II we created this huge arcade that rivaled any one you would find out in the real world. This was a fun channel as I worked with several artist to help this space come to life.
I have added some just one set of the signs and posters that where made for the interior of the space. We also created over 10 unique arcade machine wraps to further flesh out the world. I art directed this space and worked with amazing vendors to create many of these assets.

Costumes in and out of game
This specific pieces this update was an extra special one because I got to make a specific design for the HBO Show.
This design is what I like to a “Frankenstein design” as the model on shirt is actually using about 20 different parts to create a unique person. When we where remaking the Last of US Part 1 we got to use this graphic to so that it was consistent between the show and the game.

Pick Ups & Collectibles
Here is the set of illustrations I created for our new ammo boxes that are used through out the game.

Master Forgery
I created many “handpainted” style signs and murals that filled our games. It was one of my favorite items make besides menus because they add so much personality to the world.

We made well over 100 different collectibles and notes. These where hand drawn or designed

Both of these adds where created using photo mutilation to create realistic looking advertisements.