Inspiration, Thoughts, & Quiries
How is it I have already failed on my goals of keeping up a with this blog!?
Half way through... phew! Wednesday are smack dap in the middle of week (obvi) which is equal parts "is it Friday yet?" and "WHAT the week can't be half over I have so much work to do?!?" So no matter which way you are feeling, I am hoping to give you either a bit of inspiration to get you through the rest of the week...
Ove Vey, what the heck, good thing I did hold my breath, and whatever other idioms/saying that express our VERY long absents from I don't know doing anything (well not doing nothing we have been incredibly busy just not documenting any of it)!
It has been an incredible summer up to this point. We have been all over this summer from the Texas Coast to the Hills of California and the trips aren't over yet. Heading up to the wonderful Pacific Northwest this afternoon and so excited to see one of my favorite city, Portland Oregon! I can't wait get up there and explore with Gonzo!
Well one of the first of many "Officials" that I will hopefully be saying this year and next. I had decided to leave my day job a to really pursue my love of illustration & design. So unemployed is alittle harsh.
Latest Work
This a small collection of Illustration that where created out of my love of old hollywood
I was lucky enough to see the Austin Roller Derby quite a few times while I lived down there and this my ode to them and all the other bad ass women that do this sport!
So after taking a year off from CTN I will be joining Gonzo on another foray into the fun and exciting experience that is CTN. I took last year off (also I could probably take ever year off since I don't work in the animation field but I'll use Gonzo as an excuse as to why I should go), but am super hyped to go back this year.