CTN Expo 2017
So after taking a year off from CTN I will be joining Gonzo on another foray into the fun and exciting experience that is CTN. I took last year off (also I could probably take ever year off since I don't work in the animation field but I'll use Gonzo as an excuse as to why I should go), but am super hyped to go back this year.
CTN holds alittle bit of a special meaning for us, well mostly Gonzo. It was four years ago (FOUR YEARS?!?!) that we went for the first time on a whim because I wanted to see Brittney Lee so ya know, I could fan out. That was really the turning point for Gonzo on and WHAM BAM thank you ma'am this is what I wanna do. SO started what we are affectionally calling #gonzosanimationadventure and secretly in my head #haileysufferingthroughSLC. Now I won't get started on why SLC just isn't my jam but lets just say as it starts being 20 degrees or so at night and the devil's dandruff is about to start, lets just leave it at this is a perfectly wonderful little city, we just aren't a mountain family we are a beach family repeat a BEACH family and I may or may not be counting down till we get to move (psst... I am counting).
Unfortunately because of a combination of having a full time job, laziness, and Overwatch I don't have a anything to show. Also still you know, trying to figure out this thing called life and what I want to do with it. So if someone could come and solve that little conundrum for me that would be great K. thanks!
ANYWHO... this year I am so excited for Gonzo to go to CTN not only is he coming off a internship at Infinity Ward this summer (when he abandoned me for the WHOLE summer) but his reel is looking pretty awesome and I'm not biases at all ;). If you wanna check it out take a lookie!
For those going CTN good luck and say hi if you care too. Gonzo will be going from presentation to tables asking for feedback and I will be the woman walking around buying everything and anything I want! :) I have my eyes on some particular items such as the
- Tonko House Pig
- ANYTHING from Marie Thorhauge
- Obviously a calendar pack from Brittney Lee
- And like I stated before whatever I want!